How to Be a Celestial Fox

The Celestial Fox collection has arrived like a bat outta hell or should I say a fox outta space?! The story is as mystical as the creations, it was designed around the fantasy of a girl whose alter ego happens to be a celestial fox who comes out at night to roam the streets of London. Like a fairy tale for adults it speaks of our metaphorical transformation into our more wild yet wily selves that tends to happen only after nightfall! 

Trickster Ring

The Trickster Ring is top of the what's hot list and if you're excited by it then wait 'til you see the spectacle of sparkling color choices soon to be available! If the idea of wearing colorful crystals typically makes you gag the this little piece of armor could just change your mind and turn you into a sparkly, celestial fox whilst doing so.

Luscious Choker

This metallic wonder is the Luscious Choker and it couldn't be more appealing to the senses with it's deliciously pink, metallic leather and gleaming gold hoop at it's epicentre. This is the perfect accessory for adding some edge to the sweet cotton candy pinks and blues that are on trend right now, it's especially good for adding a cheeky touch of rebellion to your work collar.

Chiave and Cult Status Earrings

If full rebel is more your style then the Chiave or Cult Status Earrings may just have been made with you in mind! Perfect for those admiring the Pin Earrings from afar but will not come any closer than that!

Vixen Necklace

If you're not really into looking on from afar then you may be the fox to fall straight into the Vixen Necklace and rock it sideways, without the need of a galactic catsuit and pseudonym but just your fine ass-kicking self! For full glam rock effect save it for those nights you get your second (rave) skin out.

Untamed Earrings

There has been much love for the Laruicci Bird Cage Earring and finally there is a plethora of this style to choose from, the Untamed being the wildest of the bunch.
Fret not! You will be forgiven if you get hysterical over Laruicci's take on the good old cross necklace.
The Sorcery Earrings, for when you want to conjure up some magic on the dance floor, their greatness lies in their large flashy disco circles whilst also being super lightweight, perfect for a flirty dance or ten!



Connection Ring


This ring will in fact keep you connected because you can happily (or grudgingly) share it with your boyfriend.

Spirit Guide Earrings

Who hasn't fantasized about forming their own tribe? These earrings are your first step towards tribal queen.



Lure Earrings

The Lure Earrings will light up your life with their large sun like domes and shiny ray of sunshine accent drops. They look glorious in both gold and silver.

Hustler Earrings

For those who hustle hard and need a spike of excitement in their life! The Hustler Earrings come in an exciting array of colour choices, the Rose Gold Cube with Teal and Fuschia Spike being my ultimate choice or is it the Blue Cube with Fuschia Spikes? Let's just say both.


Rose Gold Cube-Teal/ Fuschia Spike

Blue Cube- Fuschia Spike

Rose Gold- Green Spike

Gunmetal Cube- Navy Spike



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